The connections made are one of many highlights, genuinely passionate about people I am blessed to work closely with so many wonderful souls.

Kind Words
Oh my goodness Antony these shots are incredible!
We cracked open a bottle of red and re-lived Ravello in our lounge room tonight – thank you for capturing the day beautifully! It was so lovely to be able to watch that day from the outside, it all becomes a blur through all the excitement (and champagne)
I can’t stop looking through them ?
Thank you SO much again. Absolutely stoked.
Fi and Pat
I’m so happy that I have photos of my wedding that I absolutely love and are truly beautiful. It’s so lovely to have photographs that not only capture special moments but also makes you proud when you show them to your family and friends. Thank you Antony!
Amal & Felix

I remember, when I was a child, my mother used to hand me her camera before going to our family get-togethers and tell me that I was in charge of taking the photographs. It always puts a smile on my face! She knew it was something I really enjoyed and today when I bring a camera to my eye I still share that same enthusiasm. “Make them count,” she said.

Another incredible year! What a blessing it has been to capture all these beautiful weddings.
Thank you to all my clients, wedding planners, and to all that support my photography, without you, none of this would be possible.

Stay up to date with my weddings, couples, portraits, features & travel photography
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